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Emmy Award Finalist: Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media, Original Interactive Program
IAWTV Award Nominee: Best Interactive Experience

As The Lizzie Bennet Diaries was coming to a close, I was asked to pitch a short sequel series to bridge the end of that show with one planned for later in the year. That idea turned into Welcome To Sanditon, a reimagining of Jane Austen’s final, uncompleted novel.

In order to bring Sanditon to life, we invited the audience to co-create the town, asking them to create their own characters and storylines to complement our narrative. We gave them tools to create their own videos, and an in-fiction hub site where they could interact with other “townsfolk.” User-created storylines were folded back into the central plot of the story. Once the main series was completed, fan-created characters continued interacting for several years.

Wired: Unfinished Austen Novel Finds New Life Through Collaborative Web Series
Tubefilter: ‘Welcome To Sanditon’ Creates Entire World Around Web Series




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